Keira Knightley
Ophelia Wynne (2004) The Jacket
Pirates of the Caribbean: At World's End
Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest
Jessica Biel
Natalie Portman
Kim Smith
Keira Knightley has dyslexia. She had to wear special glasses in adolescence to help her read.
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German (not yet supported)
Keira Knightley Hurt On Movie Set
December 11th, 2004 - Keira Knightley has suffered from burns, after a stunt during the filming of new film Domino went wrong, reports Digital Spy. An insider told The Mirror, "Keira was firing two guns when one of the shells ricocheted out and hit her. It was a corker of a burn, but she hasn't complained and has just got on with the job."
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